The figure shows how the inbreeding coefficient chages with generations
of brother-sister matings. As a general rule, this type of mating in domestic
animals cannot be kept up beyond 8-10 generations, as by that time the
rate of breeding success is very low. However, the rare survivors may go
on to found genetically uniform populations.
This has been done in laboratory rodents, producing inbred strains
of mice and rats so similar genetically that they easily tolerate skin
or organ grafts from other animals from the same inbred strain. However,
the process of inbreeding used to create these strains generally results
in loss of fertility (first seen in these mammals as a reduction in litter
size) which actually kills off the majority of the strains between 8 and
12 generations of this extent of inbreeding. A handful of the initial strains
survive this bottleneck, and these are the inbred laboratory strains. However,
very little selection other than for viability and fertility is possible
during this process. You wind up with animals homozygous for a more or
less random selection of whatever genes happened to be in the strains that
survived, all of which derive from the parents of the initial pair.
Note that two very inbred parents can produce offspring that have very
low inbreeding coefficients if the inbred parents do not have ancestors
in common. This, however, assumes that mates are available who are not
strongly inbred on a common ancestor. If the parents are related to each
other, their own inbreeding coefficients will indeed increase the inbreeding
coefficients of their offspring. The critical factor is the coefficient
of kinship, which is the inbreeding coefficient of a hypothetical offspring
of the two individuals.
Inbreeding has become an important consideration for wildlife conservationists.
Many wild populations are in danger of extinction due to some combination
of habitat destruction and hunting of the animals, either to protect humans
or because the animal parts are considered valuable. (Examples are ivory,
rhinorcerus horn, and infant apes for the pet trade, as well as meat hunting.)
For some of these animals the only real hope of survival is captive breeding
programs. But the number of animals available in such captive breeding
programs, especially at a single zoo, is often limited. Biologists are
concerned that the resulting inbred populations would not have all of the
genes found in the wild populations, and thus lose some flexibility in
responding to change. In reaction to this threat they have developed networks
such that animals can be exchanged among captive breeding poplulations
in such a way as to minimize the overall inbreeding of the captive population.
The idea is to select pairs in such a way that the inbreeding coefficient
of the offspring is kept as low as possible.
Most elementary genetics books have instructions for calculating the
inbreeding coefficient from the pedigree. (For more information, see Dr.
Armstrong's site, Significant Relationships.) However, these procedures
have two major limitations. First, they are not really designed for cases
where there are multiple common ancestors, though they can be used separately
for each common ancestor and the results added. Second, they become impossibly
complex as the length of the pedigree increases. It is by no means uncommon
in dogs, for instance, to have pedigrees which can be researched in the
AKC stud book and the KC Gazette and which go back to foundation dogs born
around the turn of the century - perhaps 30 or even 40 generations earlier.
With this type of long pedigree, foundation animals may appear a million
times or more in the pedigree.
With this in mind, a computer program called GENES was developed by
Dr. Robert Lacy for the calculation of the inbreeding coefficient, kinship
coefficients among animals in the breeding pool, percent contributions
of varying founding ancestors, and related output, assuming full pedigrees
to the foundation stock were available for all animals currently in the
breeding population. For captive breeding populations, the less inbreeding
the better, and this is the way the program is used.
In purebred livestock the situtation is a little different - we want
homozygosity for those genes which create a desirable similarity to the
breed standard. Wright's defense of inbreeding was based on this fact.
However, inbreeding tends to remove those heterozygotes which are beneficial
(e.g., the MHC) as well as increasing undesirable as well as desirable
homozygotes. The practice is most dangerous in the potential increase of
homozygous health problems which are not obvious on inspection, but which
shorten the life span or decrease the quality of life for the animal.
I do not at the present time have other dog breeds for comparison,
but I recently submitted a Shetland Sheepdog pedigree database to Dr. Armstrong
for calculation of true inbreeding coefficients. This database was based
on full pedigrees of all AKC Shetland Sheepdogs that had sired 10 or more
breed champions (males) or produced 5 or more (females.) These top producing
animals were set up as the current living population (a somewhat artifial
assumption, as the dogs involved where whelped from 1930 to after 1990.)
I would love to see some comparisons with other breeds.